Notice of Disclaimer

The information contained on this site is for general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, readers should consult with New Zealand Police before acting on any such information. No liability is assumed by the New Zealand Police for any losses suffered directly or indirectly by any person relying on the information contained on this site.

Link to Third-Party Sites

This website contains links to third-party websites. These third-party sites are not under the control of the New Zealand Police, and the New Zealand Police is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. New Zealand Police is providing these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement of the linked site by the New Zealand Police.

Embedded YouTube Videos

This website contains embedded videos from a third party website, YouTube. YouTube is not under the control of the New Zealand Police, and the New Zealand Police is not responsible for any comments provided by YouTube members about any of our uploaded videos.